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See If your legislator

supports pbm reform!

Our legislative tracker also includes contact and website information for each legislator, as well as their support "grade."


Leave a comment for our team on the spreadsheet if you have something to add!

Who are

Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are middlemen in the pharmaceutical supply chain that increase costs for pharmacies and patients, delay necessary treatments, and make healthcare less accessible. 

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What is PBM ABUSE?

PBMs first emerged as a means to streamline the management of prescription drug benefits for health insurance plans. However, their extortion of the market and complete lack of transparency have led to real harm for patients, healthcare providers, and those who help pay for patients' healthcare (e.g., employers, Medicare, and Minnesota's Medicaid program). Their conduct has also led to the most expensive prescription drug market in the developed world—one in which Americans are rationing their prescriptions, taking on debt to afford treatments, or completely forgoing taking their lifesaving medication because it's simply unaffordable.

"PBM abuse" is an umbrella that refers to the several abusive practices of PBMs, including but not limited to: inappropriately low or no reimbursement to pharmacies for services provided; the retroactive collection of DIR fees on Medicare claims ("clawbacks"); forcing pharmacies into abusive, one-sided contracts; "steering" patients to pharmacies they own and operate; and making patients take expensive brand name drugs when cheaper generic alternatives exist. 


Reviewing and updating existing regulations to address legislative loopholes used by PBMs to ensure that they operate in a way that benefits pharmacies, patients, and healthcare as a whole.



Implementing regulations that enhance transparency about PBM practices, including pricing arrangements and rebates.


Addressing monopolization and encouraging competition between PBMs, which helps increases accountability and ensure fair negotiations with pharmacies and drug manufacturers.


Healthcare providers can play a role by negotiating fair terms with PBMs, ensuring that patient care is not compromised due to financial considerations.

people protesting

Identify your elected officials

Know who represents you in the

MN State Legislature and U.S. Congress

File an antitrust complaint

with the DOJ

Help the U.S. Department of Justice ensure access to fair and competitive healthcare markets


Learn about the

Pharmacists Fight Back Act

We're working to pass similar legislation

in the MN State Legislature

Contact your legislators

Use this grassroots tool to let them know PBM reform is important to you

Start a petition to your

U.S. Representative

Urge your Rep to cosponsor H.R.9096. You'll find everything you need here!

Share your story with Governor Walz

Have you experienced PBM abuse? How important is your independent pharmacy to your health? Tell the Governor's office.

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MNIndys in action

Members of our organization are actively working with lobbyists, a public affiars team, and MN state legislators to pass PBM reform during this year's legislative session.


Check back here for details about our proposed bill once it's ready for viewing!


MNIndys is a non-profit organization.

Our legislative efforts are entirely funded by MNIndys members and donors. 

Image by Matt Barton

is critical to the health of Minnesota's

local pharmacies, patients, & communities


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