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About MNIndys

In 2019, Minnesota Indys (MNindys) was created as a simple Google Group for the state's local independently owned pharmacies to be able to assist each other and share information regarding the ever changing landscape of pharmacy benefit managers' (PBMs') unethical practices in Minnesota.


Since that time, the group has grown to 116 pharmacies and counting from across the state, including a few locally owned chains/groceries. Our members and their expertise are go-to resources for Minnesota state legislators when it comes to educating about and addressing PBM abuse through legislative reform.


MNIndys (Minnesota Independent Pharmacies) is dedicated to supporting our state’s independent pharmacy providers by bringing awareness to the problems local pharmacies and their patients face daily due to pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) abuse and through educating Minnesotan patients, healthcare providers, employers, unions, and legislators on PBM-related issues. In addition to education, MNIndys is dedicated to seeing both meaningful legislative reform and actionable enforcement of PBMs in Minnesota.

HeraldJournalArticle Deb Legis Pharmacy Visit.JPG

"Let us compete on our merits. Let us compete on our service. We’ll never be able to buy drugs as cheap as the Walmarts, the Walgreens, things like that, and that’s fine. That’s the market. That’s how a free market’s supposed to work. But on a level playing field, if I get to compete with the big boxes on service and taking care of my patients, I will beat them every day.

And that’s all we’re asking for,  is the opportunity."

—Deborah Keaveny, RPh

Founder of MNIndys & Owner of Keaveny Drug in Winsted, MN


The collective group of the great state of Minnesota's independent pharmacies

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